What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital Citizenship is described as the "norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use" (Ribble &Bailey, 2007). 


Digital Citizenship is not just a set of rules that online users should follow. It includes actions and attitudes that support an understanding of conducting oneself appropriately and responsibly in the online community. Digital Citizenship consists of the methods, processes, and elements incorporated into individualized and content lessons to foster students' development of internet use ethically and safely. Listed below are elements and topics that define digital citizenship further. The organization of topics and elements encourages a systematic approach to instructing students.


Nine Digital Elements of Digital Citizenship Outlined by Ribble and Bailey (2007)

Digital Access: allowing all technology users to participate fully in a digital society if they choose.

Digital Commerce: providing the knowledge and protection to buy and sell in a digital world.

Digital Communication: understanding the options of digital communication methods and when they are appropriate.

Digital Literacy: learning about and teaching others how to use digital technologies appropriately.

Digital Etiquette: being considerate of others when using digital technologies.

Digital Law: having an awareness of laws (rules, policies) that govern the use of digital technologies.

Digital Rights & Responsibilities: protecting the digital rights of others while defending individual rights.

Digital Health and Wellness: understanding the risks (both physically & psychologically) that may accompany the use of digital technologies.

Digital Security: protecting personal information while taking precautions to protect others' data.


Common Sense Education's Six Core Topics of Digital Citizenship

Media Balance & Well Being: We find balance in our digital lives.

Privacy & Security: We care about everyone's privacy.

Digital Footprint: We define who we are.

Relationships & Communication: We know the power of words & actions.

Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech: We are kind & courageous.

News & Media Literacy: We are critical thinkers and creators.


"The end of the story is that there is no end to the story. There's continued development." Fingal (2022)


Fingal. J. (2022) Digital citizenship: from don'ts to do's to seamless integration. ISTE.

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